A marketing & business development consultancy


Helping to develop key individual’s talents

Often within an organisation key individuals are given marketing and business development roles which are additional duties to their fee earning or operational tasks.

In these situations we are able to offer coaching input which will help these individuals maximise their allowable marketing and business development time.  We achieve this by: 

  • Individual sales activity planning
  • Assisting individuals to build client relationships
  • Assisting individuals with project identification and the securing of projects

This gives key individuals assistance so they are better prepared and focussed in their marketing and business development activity. Coaching input can be geared to individual needs and can vary during the assignment to suit the availability of the individuals and their business development targets.

...you have been a very positive influence in my development as a businessman, and for this I am very sincerely grateful.

Ian Newman. Director, Allbritain-Barefoot Ltd